Don't Miss Out + My Exclusive Website Design Toolkit!Jodi Bourne Hey Reader, Once again, i'm thrilled to be part of the Direct Booking Success Summit this year, and I wanted to personally invite you to check it out! IT IS FREE and full of some great ideas, resources, learning, and support from industry experts, like me! You are going to be super impressed - even if you just watch ONE presentation each day and implement just a few ideas, the takeaways could be game-changing to your business. For example, my presentation, "Your Digital Front...Read more
Listen up buttercup, THIS is for you, because of YOU!From me to you... Most of my clients come to me because they need help with one of two things: Option one - they want an elevated brand and professional business that truly showcases their exceptional properties and experiences. (They need a website.) Or two, they realize they can no longer take a "stand back and wait" or "let Airbnb do it" approach to achieving more bookings. (They need marketing) I'm guessing that's probably what you need as well, Reader... You've realized you can't afford...Read more